Risk analysis & investigations

Forensic document examination

Documents are the foundation upon which commercial and investment transactions are formed.

Forensic document examination detects alteration, forgery, fraud or criminal intent within bank instruments, certificates and contractual agreements.


Bank instrument analysis and investigations

Some estimates suggest that over 90% of bank instruments [MTN, BG, SBLC] in open circulation are false, or part of a larger criminal fraud.

STRATA can verify and authenticate most bank instruments.

Example: Bond certificate verification

The process of verifying a bond certificate may include:

  1. conducting a forensic examination of a bond certificate and any other documents attached to it to confirm any security markers and protocols present.
  2. initiating an intelligence grab to confirm the status of the document and where possible to identify and verify the underlying assets and the location of associated assets.

Market leading

Forensic document examination

Deploy highly advanced IFD (Image Forgery Detection) artificial intelligence algorithms alongside state-of-the-art image analysis technology to identify digital image manipulation even with forged metadata.

Our Intelligence Partners have developed a robust system enabling us to detect document forgery automatically. JPEG format gives us the possibility to combine texture analysis, metadata investigation, error level analysis, confidential built in security protocol detection with many other research techniques to detect alteration, forgery, fraud or criminal intent.

The same investigative processes and outcome applies to paper-based documents – not just digital.

Enhanced risk mitigation

Know who you’re dealing with

To further mitigate risk we undertake thorough fit and proper background and deep intelligence checks on individuals and key stakeholders in a transaction, including those writing contractual agreements.

This may include conducting background checks on colleagues, friends, family, associates and professional service providers (including lawyers and accountants) to expose any direct or indirect links to criminal or fraudulent activities. This is particularly prevalent during investments, mergers and acquisitions and high value commercial transactions.